Monday, August 8, 2011

I love my job :)

At the end of March I took a new job as a Personal Banker at Busey in St. Joe. I have worked for Busey for a little over 3 years and prior to becoming a Personal Banker I was a Teller at a couple of different locations. For any of you who have worked as a Teller before, it is the most unglamerous, glamerous job you could ever work. Many people think that Tellers just get to sit around all day, dressed up and help the occasional customer that comes into the drive-thru or lobby. However, this is a common misconception. Tellers are the backbone of the banking world. NOTHING would happen without Tellers! They have to know how to do a little bit of everyone's job without getting paid to actually do the job. They also do a lot of other stuff that you would not expect them to do. This is why forever, and always the Teller position will hold a special place in my heart.

Now that I've given my shoutout to all the Tellers around the world, I can say I am very glad that I am not one anymore :) I moved up to a Banker position at our St. Joe office. Prior to working in St. Joe I worked at our Campus location. Let me tell you, I've never been so happy to be back in a small town. Working in St. Joe is great! I have a great group of coworkers who all help each other out and support each other, professionally and personally. I have never worked somewhere where a fellow coworker shares with me the trials and tribulations of their child, the depantsing bandit and how they are facing this issue head-on! I truely feel like I have a family at work. I also love all of my customers. It is nice to get to work at a place where people let me into their lives a little bit. Even if that little bit of their lives is telling me about their bowel movements for the past couple of days, I still enjoy it because I know that they trust me enough to discuss things with me.

On top of the great work environment and customers I have, I also really enjoy the small town itself. Currently, we are working on getting a parade float ready for the annual St. Joe Fall Festival taking place this weekend. Which I have to admit I am really excited about riding in :) No other associates in our organization get to ride a parade float, let alone a float made of tissue paper flowers and pipe cleaners. Come on, does it get much better than this?!?

Working in St. Joe has truely made me learn to appreciate the little things in life. We can only take one day at a time, so enjoy these days as they come and take them for what they are worth. Thank you for reading my little shoutout about my job. I hope you all enjoy your work as much as I do.

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