Friday, December 23, 2011

Happy 23rd Birthday Lyle!

On December 16th we went out to Texas Roadhouse to celebrate Lyle's 23rd Birthday. My sister was working that night and she was our waitress. For anyone who has never been to Texas Roadhouse for a birthday, they really like to embarass you on your special day. Since my sister was our waitress she spared no expense for her brother-in-law! The waitress brings a saddle up to the table and makes the birthday boy (or girl) get on the saddle. They proceed to yell (in the loudest voice possible): AAAAAATTENTION TEXAS ROADHOUSE GUESTS, WE HAVE LYLE CELEBRATING HIS 23RD BIRTHDAY WITH US TONIGHT. PLEASE HELP US GIVE HIM A BIG YEEEEEHHHHHAAAAWWWW!!!!! Then the restaurant yells YYEEEHHHAAAWWW! For everyone who knows my sister, this was a very loud yell. Needless to say, she got everyone's attention! Here's a picture of Lyle's embarrased reaction:
Before we left he asked where we were going to eat. When I told him Texas Roadhouse he instantly told me he wasn't getting on the saddle. He didn't even want to sit in my sister's section because he knew what the outcome would be! The only thing that got him to go was the fact that he could custom order a steak. He got a 20 oz ribeye!  Looks like you didn't get all of your birthday wishes Lyle, but you provided entertainment to the rest of us :)

Happy 23rd birthday to my wonderful husband and best friend :)

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

We put up our Christmas decorations about 3 weeks ago. It was a fun evening when we put up everything because Dave and Shirley came over for spaghetti made by Chef Lyle! Actually, let me rephrase this, Shirley and I put up decorations while Lyle cooked and Dave surfed the internet. It's always nice to get to spend time together because they're usually really busy. Hutch and Duke joined in on the Christmas fun as well. They sat and watched us put up the tree. I took some pictures of the finished decorations (and pets) but please excuse the camera quality because I took them with my phone. Here are the pictures:

Our tree

Photogenic Duke

He's sweet, but not photogenic- Hutch

Waters Homestead Swag

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Finally settled in (and down)!

I know that I've been MIA from the blog for a while, but there has been so much stuff going on in our lives! As many of you already know and witnessed, we got married November 26th! Our wedding was one of the most beautiful and amazing days of our lives. Everything came together perfectly and it was beautiful. We have received so many compliments on our wedding, and people who didn't even attend told us they heard from others how beautiful it was. That really, really means a lot to us! We put a lot of hard work, time and money into our big day and I'm so glad it paid off!

Now that I'm done gushing about the wedding and how fabulous it was, I will give you an update on our lives. Currently, we are in the stage of finding a place for all of the amazing gifts we got. Even though we live in such a big house, it still seems like we don't have enough room for all of our stuff (I think this might be an indication it's time to have a garage sale...) and we're working to find a place for everything.

We are using some of our wedding money to have painters come in to paint the upstairs and foyer in the house. They should be done painting by the end of this week. This is phase 1 of the foyer/upstairs project. I'm unsure how many phases this project will entail... I will be posting pictures of each phase so everyone can see what's going on.  For anyone who's ever seen the upstairs of our house, you can understand why this has to go in phases. There is so much space and so much to do. Luckily, Dave and Shirley did all of the really hard work when they lived in the house (i.e.- new electrical, plumbing, drywall, heating, installing a bathroom) so basically all we are doing is putting in new windows and some aesthetics. The fun stuff as I like to call it :)

Once I have pictures I will be uploading and sharing all of our exciting adventures. Thanks for reading. I promise to be a more dedicated blogger from here on out!
